Greatest Hits VOL 1 - Jane Garvey, Shaun Dooley, Miles Jupp, Ellie's baby

Greatest Hits VOL 1 - Jane Garvey, Shaun Dooley, Miles Jupp, Ellie's baby

OLD GOLD! This special taster episode features highlights from some of our favourite podcasts of yesteryear. If you're a new listener, this should give you an idea of what we're all about. If you're an old friend, you've probably forgotten these bits anyway, so why not have a laugh all over again?  

Greatest Hits VOL 1 features Jane Garvey, off of Radio 4's Woman's Hour, and Ellie exposing herself. The hilarious actor Shaun Dooley reveals that although he was great in Broadchurch, he can't do accents for shit. Top comedian Miles Jupp joins us for a stupid quiz, and shares his Craig McLachan impression. And finally, Ellie talks about her experience of having a premature baby. It's funnier than it sounds.

We're @scummymummies on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. If you like the podcast, please rate, review and subscribe!

The Scummy Mummies book is OUT NOW! We hope you like it, and if you do, we'd love an Amazon review!

When we're not confined to our homes because of a rapidly escalating global pandemic, we sometimes do live comedy shows! Visit for dates and tickets. If you already have a ticket for an upcoming show, chances are the date has changed - please contact the venue for details, ta.

Thank you for listening!

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