Episode 63: New Year Special with Polly Vernon

Episode 63: New Year Special with Polly Vernon

Happy new year! In this episode, we share our Christmas Scummy Mummy Confessions and reveal our resolutions for 2016. Plus there's an interview with top columnist Polly Vernon. We discuss creativity and motherhood, why Polly's chosen not to have kids, and how to be a hot feminist. 

Polly's book, which is in fact titled Hot Feminist, is out now.  We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook, and you can visit us at ScummyMummies.com.
We want to keep the podcast going in 2016 and we'd love your feedback! Who would you like to see as a guest? What topics would you like us to cover? Please let us know via Facebook, or email scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening! 

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Episode 62: Christmas Party with Steve Hill and Nurse Jessie

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