Episode 59: Food Special with Annabel Karmel

Episode 59: Food Special with Annabel Karmel

With 40 recipe books to her name, Annabel Karmel is the Nigella of children's food. But does she give her own kids fish fingers? What's her view on eating organic? And does she ever go for a cheeky Nando's?

We find out the answer to all these questions and more. There's some chat about how attitudes to kids' food have changed, and why allergies seem to be on the rise. Annabel tells us how to get children to eat vegetables, what she thinks about Jamie's sugar tax, and reveals the most popular item ordered from Ocado.
As always, we round off with Scummy Mummy Confessions - and Annabel has a great one to share.
You can find out more about Annabel's books and food over at AnnabelKarmel.com, and her apps are available via iTunes. Follow her on Instagram @annabelkarmel.
We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. Please send your confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com and visit us at ScummyMummies.com. If you like the podcast, please tell your friends!
Thank you for listening!

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