Episode 5: The Derren Brown of Vajayjays

Episode 5: The Derren Brown of Vajayjays

The Scummy Mummies Podcast is now fortnightly and episode 5 is live! 

We have a special guest on this week's episode - the lovely Sarah, a women's physiotherapist and founder of exercise company Maternally Fit.

Sarah is a leading expert in all things front bottom. She reveals everything you ever wanted to know about vaginas, and some stuff you probably didn't. Plus, join in with Helen and Ellie as they attempt to do Kegel exercises without laughing. CLICK HERE to listen!

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Episode 4: Sleep Special - Plums, plasagne and a Special Guest.

Episode 4: Sleep Special - Plums, plasagne and a Special Guest.

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

Episode 6: Stay-at-home Dad Special: Penis Beakers, Kraftwerk and Hummus

Episode 6: Stay-at-home Dad Special: Penis Beakers, Kraftwerk and Hummus


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