Episode 48: The Little Podcast of Calm with Hollie and Suzy

Episode 48: The Little Podcast of Calm with Hollie and Suzy

This episode is all about remaining calm - whether you're giving birth, dealing with toddlers or drinking so much wine during a podcast recording you start channelling Chaka Khan. 

Our guests are Suzy Ashworth and Hollie de Cruz, founders of The Calm Birth School. Their online video course offers women the chance to learn about hypnobirthing at home, and at their own pace. Click the image above to listen or download (right-click link and select 
"Save As."

We chat about our own labours and Ellie explains what giving birth has in common with buying a swingball set at Argos. Helen reveals what her husband said eight hours into her labour, and how they managed to stay married. Plus, find out which one of us claims to have enjoyed every contraction of her four-day labour, and which one of us was left feeling like Debbie McGee.

We round off with a discussion about the things that make us the opposite of calm (nude tights, Comic Sans etc.) and some Scummy Mummy Confessions.

The Calm Birth School offers the world's first hypnobirthing video course, meaning women and their partners can access these tools for birth from wherever they are in the world. Video modules are delivered to your inbox once a week for four weeks, along with MP3s and a digital course handbook.

The course costs £89 and includes access to a private online support group - a bit of a virtual sisterhood - where you will receive tailored support from Hollie & Suzy, along with the positivity and experiences of lots of other women preparing for a calm and positive birth with The Calm Birth School. Think of it as distance learning with hand holding, and a heap of special extras.

For more from Holly and Suzy, including a free taster of their course, visit thecalmbirthschool.com. They're on Twitter - @calmbirthschool -  Facebook and Instagram.

We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. Please send your confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com and visit us at ScummyMummies.com. If you like the podcast, please tell your friends!

Thanks for listening. 

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