Episode 37: New Baby Special with Helen and Ellie

Episode 37: New Baby Special with Helen and Ellie

In this episode, Ellie discusses the surprise early arrival of her new baby, Joe. He's still in hospital but doing great. (And even better since this show was recorded - we're expecting him home within a few weeks.)

Then there's some chat about the highlights of our Scummy year, including best and worst gigs. We round off with some Confessions, and get just a little bit emotional.

Listen now (right-click and select "Save As" to download) or subscribe via iTunes.

Thank you so much to everyone who's listened to the podcast and been to our shows this year. The plan is to keep going in 2015, so please keep downloading, sharing, tweeting and leaving us iTunes reviews. Thank you!  

We are so grateful for your support and we'd love to hear from you. If you have a scummy story you'd like to share, a topic you'd like us to cover, a guest you think we should feature or just some general feedback, please let us know! We're on Twitter - @scummymummies and on Facebook. You can email scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com or leave a message via scummymummies.com.

Lots of love to all our dear listeners. We hope you have a fantastic 2015! X

Read more

Episode 36: Sweary Christmas with Nurse Jessie and Steve Hill

Episode 36: Sweary Christmas with Nurse Jessie and Steve Hill

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

Episode 38: Call the Midwife - Clemmie Hooper returns!

Episode 38: Call the Midwife - Clemmie Hooper returns!


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