Episode 22: Crappy Father's Day

Episode 22: Crappy Father's Day


Stay-at-home dad Steve Hill returns as our "special" guest this episode. With father's day coming up we talk about what it means to be a dad, but of course it's not long before the whole thing descends into nonsense. 

Helen and Ellie present Steve with a selection of high quality father's day gifts (total retail value £3.39.) There's some top chat about the price of Lynx, the World Cup and a real-life encounter with Mr. T. Helen explains her sexual preferences using a convoluted metaphor involving picnics and monster trucks, and we round off with Scummy Mummy Confessions.

Keep listening right to the end for an exciting announcement about our stage show!

Now available on iTunes or Listen now 

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The card featured in our blog pic is available from Etsy.

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