Episode 17: Miley or Kylie? Feminism Special with Abigail Burdess

Episode 17: Miley or Kylie? Feminism Special with Abigail Burdess


Comedian, mum and Katy Perry impersonator extraordinaire Abigail Burdess is our guest on this episode. She discusses the challenges of balancing parenthood with being hilarious and writing a hit musical. 

There's a bit of chat about feminism and that. Then Helen introduces her fabulous new game, Miley or Kylie? (Yes, it involves a recorder.) And we debut our brand new Handbag Surprise spin-off, How Gross is Your Car? (Is your car, how gross is your car, I really need to know, etc.)

To round it all off, we have some fantastic Scummy Mummy Confessions, including a great one from Abigail. You'll never be able to look Smurfette in the face again. 

Download from iTunes or click here.

Tickets are nearly sold out for our London show on Thursday 27 March, but there are still a few left. We also have tickets for the Wednesday 2 April left. Please visit We Got Tickets for more details.

To find out more about our lovely guest, visit abigailburdess.co.uk. The brilliant baby sketch we mention is on YouTube, and the Katy Perry impression is best enjoyed via Vimeo.

Thanks for listening! 

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