Episode 141: Ortis Deley talks gadgets and vadgets

Episode 141: Ortis Deley talks gadgets and vadgets

Our guest for this episode is Ortis Deley, off of CBBC and The Gadget Show! He tells us about how he manages tech time in his house, the best and stupidest gadgets he's ever seen, and whether we really need a wet wipe warmer.

We go behind the scenes on the Smash Hits Roadshow, and find out what happened the night Kerry met Brian. Ortis discusses how he feels about having a second child, and reveals his top mobile phone picks for 2019.

There's also some charity chat as we talk about Practical Action and their new campaign Planting for Progress. The organisation is asking the UK public to donate and help poor Zimbabwean farmers double their harvests. In rural areas, households face the threat of hunger. Practical Action’s ingenious combination of different solutions work together to bring about an enormous & lasting change - helping families beat poverty for good! Every pound donated before March 8 2019 will be matched pound for pound by the UK Government. Follow Practical Action @practical_action. #UKAidMatch #BeAChangemaker

We round off with a ludicrous new game, Techno or Tech Faux?, and of course our Scummy Mummy Confessions.

The Scummy Mummies book is OUT NOW! We hope you like it, and if you do, we'd love an Amazon review!

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Episode 140: A Very Boozy Christmas

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