Episode 116: The Supermum Myth with Dr Rachel and Anya

Episode 116: The Supermum Myth with Dr Rachel and Anya

There's no such thing as a perfect mum, so why do so many of us keep trying to be one? This episode is all about learning to overcome anxiety, ditch the guilt, and embrace imperfection.

Helping us out are psychologist Dr Rachel Andrew and writer Anya Hayes, author of The Supermum Myth. They give us loads of practical tips for becoming a happier mum, and we cover all sorts of topics from childbirth and post-natal depression to nits and brass bands. We round off with a bumper set of Scummy Mummy Confessions.

The Supermum Myth is out now. You can follow Dr Rachel on Twitter at @timepsychology. Anya is on Twitter @anyapilates, and Instagram @mothers.wellness.toolkit.

**SEE US LIVE** Come to our live comedy show! Cambridge and Norwich are now SOLD OUT, sorry, but you can still catch us in London, Bath, Masham, Cardiff, and more... To buy tickets, and for more dates, visit ScummyMummies.com.

Catch Anya talking about the Supermum Myth in Norwich on Friday 19th January. Go to https://www.wegotthisco.com/new-events/busting-the-supermum-myth-anya-hayes for tickets.

We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. Please send your confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com and visit us at ScummyMummies.com. If you like the podcast, rate, review and subscribe!

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