Episode 11: Pregnant in Greggs

Episode 11: Pregnant in Greggs

It's the Scummy Mummies New Year Special! Featuring stay-at-home dad Steve Hill as our "special" guest. 

We take a look back at the year's top stories, i.e. we pretend to know anything at all about current affairs as an excuse to do horsemeat and Nigella jokes. Ellie tells an amusing anecdote about being pregnant in Greggs, Helen explains why death can be a positive thing and Steve watches the darts. 

There's some hot meat-based debate in Ham Review, while in Things of the Year we reveal our favourite books, games and days out with the kids. Plus of course there's Scummy Mummy Confessions. CLICK HERE to listen!

Read more

Episode 10: Have Yourself a Very Scummy Christmas

Episode 10: Have Yourself a Very Scummy Christmas

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

Episode 12: Big fish, little fish fingers

Episode 12: Big fish, little fish fingers


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